Dealing with different kinds of stomach aches

dealing with different kinds of stomach aches

Stomach ache or abdominal pain can be crampy, achy, dull, sharp or intermittent. The common causes of stomach ache include constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, stress, gas and bloating. Nutritionist and lifestyle educator Karishma Chawla gives a low-down on how to deal with different stomach aches and what are some of the most effective home remedies for the same:

CONSTIPATION: Is caused by lack of dietary fiber, indulgence in too many processed foods, dehydration, too much dairy, medications, lack or exercise or movement, lack of routine or a hurried morning, ignoring the urge to defecate, and stress plays a big role. Chronic constipation can lead to gas production, stomach bloating and ache. Dietary interventions include consuming whole grains  such as dalia, red rice poha, rajgira and legumes  fruits and veggies rich in fiber like dark green leafy veggies, pear and papaya, drinking plenty of water and other fluids like starting the day with lemon water and consuming vegetable smoothies. Lifestyle measures include, slowing down the morning ritual, having a routine, set wake up and sleep time along with some yoga and stretches. Avoid refined foods, deep fried foods and high sugar foods. Can experiment with black salt, this may help to relieve gas and bloating and aid digestion. And garlic helps to relieve gas, constipation and treat infection.

DIARRHOEA: It can be caused by a viral infection, drugs, food allergies and food sensitivities to name a few. Management of diarrhoea includes fluid balance with coconut water, buttermilk, salted rice kanji, lemon sugar salt beverage or weak tea.

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: Individuals with lactose intolerance usually lack the enzyme lactase to digest the lactose in milk leading to stomach cramps and diarrhea. Avoiding milk is beneficial and can substitute milk with almond and coconut milk. 

GAS AND BLOATING: It can be a result of food sensitivities, constipation or indigestion leading to abdominal pain. This can be managed with dropping food irritants that cause gas, eating a diet high in fiber, adequate water, chewing food properly. Can also experiment with adding herbs such as turmeric that help to break down food and absorb nutrients and garlic that helps to relieve gas.

ACID REFLUX: It is caused by low stomach acid, magnesium deficiency, certain foods, haitas hernia and eating food too quickly. Relief is found with avoidance of foods such as citrus foods, alcohol, spicy foods, peppermint. Practice mindful eating, chew every mouthful 20-30 times and can experiment with aloe juice in the morning and sauf and kala jeera water before meals to secrete stomach acid.

STRESS: It can cause low stomach acid. People with low stomach acid typically experience frequent heartburn, acid reflux, burping, bloating, gas, and even nausea after eating. Home remedies include a glass of warm water and fresh lemon or lime. Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice into the water and drink before consuming anything else. Can also try adding 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to an 8-ounce glass of warm water and drink it about 15-30 minutes before a meal. Can also drink this after meals if you experience heartburn.  

Soumya Vajpayee

Ms. Soumya Vajpayee
Senior Entertainment  & Lifestyle Journalist


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