It’s that time of the year when all one thinks about is snuggling up hot soups, coffee/tea or being in their warm comforters all day long. But other than all the fun that winter offers, it also brings common cold and viruses along. And, with the COVID-19 pandemic already giving enormous health-related stress to the country for months, it’s time to work on our immunity and get winter ready. There are certain items available in most kitchens that have miraculous immunity-boosting properties and that can help you keep seasonal flu and allergies at bay. Read on:

A major winter spice that’s a must-add to most of your food items is the mighty ginger. It’s a quick fix for sore throat and has the power to fight any inflammation in your body. So add it to your teas, soups and other food items and see how it boosts immunity.

Don’t look at it as something that merely beautifies your salad! This bright red wonder is loaded with nutrition and can do wonders to your immunity. Eat it raw or transform it into delectable soups, cutlets, parathas or chillas. Beetroot is considered great for balancing blood pressure, enhancing blood circulation and relieving constipation. Since it is rich in antioxidants, beetroot helps the body combat fatigue, improve digestion and support healthy immunity.

Carrots are a must for winter because they are rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins and beta-carotene that can be converted to vitamin A in the body. Make sure that you incorporate them in soups, juices or curries. The high beta-carotene and lutein content in carrots help improve eye health and immunity to a considerable extent. Carrots are loaded with antioxidants, so they help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Rich in vitamins B and C and potassium, radish is a wonder food for winter. They are rich in antioxidants that help keep the inflammation in your body in check.

Spinach is a winter speciality that is packed with vitamins and minerals. It contains over 12 different antioxidant flavonoid compounds that have anti-inflammation properties. Spinach helps protect against heart disease and boosts the immune system

Citrus Fruits
Rich in vitamin C, most citrus fruits like lemon, lime and orange, among others, are considered natural immunity boosters.

One of the most essential kitchen spices, turmeric is a great immunity booster. You can either add it to teas, soups, porridge and curries, or add a pinch to your milk, to notice its benefits.

Other than tasting delicious, mushrooms are like immunity boosting shots for your body. Rich in selenium, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin D, vitamin B, copper and potassium, they protect your body during winter against cold and other viruses.

Green tea and chamomile tea
Did you know that green tea is a powerful antioxidant that has strong antibacterial properties? Make sure you drink at least three cups of green tea during winter to keep your immune system in check. Chamomile tea is also a powerful antioxidant that helps fight against cold and flu during winter.
Ms. Soumya Vajpayee
Senior Entertainment & Lifestyle Journalist
very informative and educating