You may think
You are alone
in this
You may say
You are doing
this alone
But are you?
Were you ever?
Forget not the dayswhen father clutched your fingers
and taught you
to walk.
Remember the friends
who rode the bicycles in circles
when the balance was
beyond gravity.
Recall the moment:
when the mentor saw the spark in your eyes,
held your hands
and said: Never give up!
Foolish you are to
even dare to let these clumsy ideas
of Instagram reels penetrate
into your vulnerable head
“You are to take care of yourself”
“Nobody gets your passion”
“It is a selfish world we live in”
This is a melodious world we share
as a rental estate
on a tourist spot
surrounded by picturesque landscape
till we are on earth
helping each other
find ways
that would
bring peace and joy.
Trust the World, you live in.
Ask for help, when needed.
You will always be blessed with more than
you asked!