

It is going to come, eventually, and
catch up with us all,
the death
to me, to you, and to everyone.

Yet, in spite of its alikeness and similarity,
it is going to be different for all.

Most will bang the door in its face and
weep and wail for more time;
Some will flatter themselves saying
I sensed it hovering weeks back;

Some will in earnest greet it with open
hands, heart, and soul;
And rarest of rare will call upon it
with reverence and enter into it
consciously shedding the skin behind
in the realm of mortals.

If, the body is just an old piece of
the garment then, hitherto
why are most afraid of exchanging it
for new ones?

Perhaps, there are yet, to learn
the universal laws which govern
The Triloka.


Prerna Gupta


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