Unable To Sleep Again- Try These
What Is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a medical condition where people are unable to sleep. Earlier it was not so common
among the masses but due to the recent shift in the lifestyle of the people, it is very common.
And it does not feel good to be on the other side of the spectrum where one has to go through
everyday battles to just make yourself fall asleep.
But don’t worry. It is just about to end. Learn all that we have gathered through our research and
experiments and these following cures are just what you need to set your circadian cycle right.
What Is The Cure?
The following are the most effective and practical ways that will help you cure your insomnia
within a week and forever.
Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp
Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp is made up of sodium chloride and 84 other elements and minerals.
When it glows it gives a soothing ambiance to the room but it has many healing properties.
It will purify your room of all the negative energy, balance your chakras, and purify the air thus
helping with respiratory problems. It also aids in meditation and spiritual practices. But most
importantly, it will help you sleep calmly and properly throughout the night.
Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil has many healing properties. It is recommended to apply the diluted lavender oil
on the soles of the feet before sleeping. It will help you relax, be calm, and be detached from the
Om Chanting
When one starts chanting OM irrespective of what state he or she is in when they begin to as
they progress with each chant the person becomes quieter both in body and mind and as the
breath grows slow, the restlessness of the body fades away and sleep comes easily to the
Taking A Salt Shower Before Sleeping
After a long day of toil and labor, whether physical or mental, when you return to bed, you return
with all the accumulations of the day and perhaps even with the anxiety of tomorrow. Sleep
becomes even more difficult because it essentially means letting go of things.
Therefore it is recommended to take a salt bath before sleeping. It will help you cleanse your
body, mind, and aura from the things attached to you.
How Effective Is The Cure?
It is very effective and it can be used by anyone. This will help you to get rid of insomnia for a
lifetime regardless of how long you have been suffering, these proven ways, will help you
overcome your weaknesses and have a good night’s sleep.

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