To the Widow on the hospital bed

To the Widow on the hospital bed

Pulling back can be hard
sometimes, really hard.

To lose the man you married,
to lose the father of your child,
to lose the sole earner of the family,

but you gotta have faith, dear!
Bear hope not dismal.

Life can be really tricky
and complicated.

But until you breathe,
make sure you breathe hope
not darkness.

It is easy to be swayed by winds
and be a victim of fate.

But you can choose otherwise.

It is there in you

the will to live,
the will to love,
the will to be kind

first and foremost
to yourself and to the
seven-year kid staring at
you from the hospital ground
you are admitted in

Be brave!
Be courageous!
You got this!

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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