Be still and be aware. Look at each other for a few minutes. You may experience or feel the
divine presence within the person in front of you. You may even experience or feel divine love
and divine bliss. Silently say, “I AM THAT I AM. I salute the I AM within you. I salute the divine
presence within you. Atma namaste!”
― Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with Higher Soul
as the hour is coming close,
as the year is reaching its end/
the mirth,
an unsettling settled peace is
dawning upon me,
peace I have never known before,
peace I have only read about
in the ancient philosophies.
it is traveling inside at the rate of light
through the blood, the veins,
from the top of the head to the
end of the toes
something is uncanny in its
demeanor, an unearthly bliss,
like a divine blessing
of all the good acts done
past in the year.
there is no urge or craving for
anything or anyone. this union
is all I have been looking for
with myself, my Higher soul.