Ode to the Demons

Ode to the Demons

past the comfort
and discomfort of light
a darkness is

the darkness
that comes with
immense pleasure

the darkness
that traps
our spirit

the darkness
that strangles
our soul

the darkness
that crushes
our heart

and then,
we dwell
hours and years

where it all went wrong

and maybe reach
the day
when we compromised
our virtues

or maybe;
the day
when we compromised
the God inside

or maybe;
the day
when we let
the demons touch us
for the first time

past the
struggling beauty of life

there is that
kind death,
that awaits our call

it will
set us
all free

of the demons
we grabbed on
while living.

(Never compromise on our virtues. That is the fuel to your spirit, when everything else in life falls apart.)

Prerna Gupta


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