Mother Superior

mother superior
My mother was strict to the core and had an obtrusive  mind 
Inspite of being modest  n disciplined,I wonder ,why my father lagged  behind 
My mother was a shrewd women ,her demeanour  was not at all easy to grind  
Inspite of being as Cool  as a cucumber,I wonder,why my father lagged  behind 
My mother was intolerant, biased and scolded  me a number of times 
,Inspite of being nice tolerant n liberal I wonder why he  lagged  behind 
 Mother spent money that  my father earned and was the spendthrift kind    
 Inspite of saving money and being a wise investor yet father lagged  behind  
Mother at times was a despot, a tyrants and  had an authoritarian mind  
He  was calm composed compromising in nature yet he lagged behind 
Mother was unwilling to accept my friends, n with them was  disinclined 
Father was very friendly and affable with them and yet he laggedbehind 
At times,to my  urgent needs and requirements she  was totally blind 
Father fulfilled all of my unwarranted requirements yet he lagged behind   
My Mother being an extrovert never seemed to have been confined 
He was always  concerned for my education, wellness yet he lagged behind 
Mother lived extravagantly and hadseveral ornaments with a lot of shine 
He followed theprinciple of Simple living High thinking Yet he lagged  behind 
 Mother the connoisseur in gourmet,dominating n had a highhanded mind
Father,was backbone of the family,virtuous,upright still he lagged behind 
Answer for this disparity I could neither fathom nor I could find 
 What could be the reason for her superiority and my father’s lagging  behind 
Realised Her life revolved around me n in her mind I was  totally enshrined 
 She was Superior to him  since her love for me was fore-ever till she pined . 
Mothers are the epitome of sacrifice n her smile is like sunshine 
They have a heart of Gold full of love n compassion which is sublime .

सुनील की कलम से

Sunil Kapoor 1

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