“Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipote
– Ray Kroc
Often, in order to adapt to the changing times of the changing world, we suppress who we are, our uniqueness, our identity, and our beauty in order to be one with the crowd. But just imagine if all of us were farmers, would we as a community has ever evolved, or if all of us were scientists, then, who would have fed us?
It is a simple matrix in that we are interdependent on each other for various needs and requirements. And as we pursue different occupations in society, we take a step towards self-sufficiency. Otherwise, we will be forever dependent on other countries for specific resources, talents, and skills.
Now, there is a need to encourage and inspire the young generations to find their beat and work for it and create their innovative paths and come up with unique solutions to address the existing and larger problems of society and the environment like poverty, climate change, social and economic differences, etc.
We as a society don’t need lambs but rather intelligent humans with compassionate hearts who are hard-working, and persistent in attaining their goals. And most importantly those who are willing and courageous to explore beyond their fear of falling and failure.