“Life is like an echo! when you give something, it comes back to you many, many times.”
― Master Choa Kok Sui,
If something happens to you, either good or bad, keep a balance. Don’t be overly sad or over joyous. Understand you are a human and reflect on what wrongs you did to manifest this situation in your life and also reflect when good things return to you in multitudes.
The law is very simple, the same old and magical proverb, “What you sow, is what you reap.” If you sow peaches, you won’t have apples growing on the tree. If you want to eat an apple, you must sow an apple tree.
Similarly, if you deceive someone in life, you will also be deceived. If you provide unconditional love to someone, that love finds different impressions and returns to you many many times. You help somebody in good faith, help will arrive to you as well in need and time.
We were born and live in Kalyug. Here, Karma is everything. Karma is an ultimate and universal law. Excluding our beliefs and knowing about the existence and non-existence of God, whatever we do to the world, will immediately return to us many many times.
That is why, it is very true to say, our destiny lies in our hands. What we are now is a manifestation of our thoughts, speech, and actions of yesterday. So, what we are going to be tomorrow is going to be the manifestation of our today’s karma. We are 100% our making.
Karma means an outward or external action including thoughts that we are releasing as vibrations into the universe; soliloquies with ourselves and words we exchange with others; and actions that we take in outer space.
So, affirm you are what you are and You are 100% your own making.
And whatever good or bad you do is ultimately returning to you. Be good, be kind, be loving.