тАЬDo not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.тАЭ
Have you ever felt stuck in the karmic cycle for years? The same circumstances, the same kind of people, the same pattern of missing opportunities, and one to the significant ones- to have the same emotional breakdown or entanglement.
The truth is the karmic cycles go on from incarnation to incarnation until broken consciously.
This is one of the reasons why whichever spiritual school you follow, the first and foremost thing they ask you to do is self-reflection every day. It is because you have to be aware of what you do and what you have done to identify the pattern, and slowly steadily work on it.
One of the interesting differences between astrology and spirituality is that astrology predicts your future and gives you rings, stones, consecrated threads, and necklaces to neutralize the negative karma that is going to manifest shortly, which to some extent is effective when taken from the right source.
On the other hand, spirituality teaches you tools and techniques regarding exercise, breathing, and various forms of meditation to regulate your body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and actions in such a way that you get empowered and easily break the patterns of the karmic cycle.
Karma is nothing but the thoughts, words, emotions, and actions that you create. When you gain substantial power over them, then you become the creator of your destiny, but as long as you are enslaved by them, you will be played in the hands of external factors and your lower chakras.
The Lords of Karma are fair and just. So, you will reap what you sow in the past but it is also true that if you change the trajectory of your life and take the right steps now then you will be
rewarded in your future.