country in the globe is now witnessing a decline in the total fertility rate. This can be a cause of
concern for policymakers as it has the potential to change the demography of India.
Already the total fertility rate has fallen below the world average total fertility rate i.e. 1.9 in 2021
in India as the required replacement level is 2.1.
Now before we jump to drawing any conclusion, it is important to understand what is the total
fertility rate. The total fertility rate is the average number of children born to a woman in her
fertile years.
The declining total fertility rate is a good sign from the perspective that India has been
successful in bridging the gap between men and women socially and economically to a large
extent. It also implies that women now have access to better healthcare facilities and that the
population in India is not getting married early or opting for child marriage.
But at the same time, it poses some major threats to our economy in the sense that India in the
world is known for two things i.e. market and workforce and the declining total fertility rate
directly affects both.
So, ultimately it is up to you to make up your mind if a sharp decline in the total fertility rate is a
good sign or bad sign and also if our policymakers should be prepared to face similar situations
like Japan and Russia in the near future and change policies from less children to promote
having children?

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