Hungry Demons

inner demons
Hungry demons laugh when you are cruel, dreadful and commit a sin 
Hungry demons laugh when using dishonest means you charter a win 
Hungry demons laugh when you turn beastly and  like a Viper you grin
Hungry demons laugh when stabbing in the back  a friend you ruin 
Hungry Demons laugh when you amass wealth while others are beggin 
Hungry Demons laugh when deceitfully you  fill your own bins  
Hungry Demons laugh when son of Satan is your  favourite kin 
Kill the hungry Demons wipeout the dreaded habits n that beastly whim
Enemies are never roaming outside they are always and always Within 
Search vigorously for Goodness n kindness to remove  Enemies Within 

सुनील की कलम से

Sunil Kapoor 1

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