тАЬLife is full of tough decisions, and nothing makes them easy. But the worst ones are really your personal koans, and tormenting ambivalence is just the sense of satori rising. Try, trust, try, and trust again, and eventually you’ll feel your mind change its focus to a new level of understanding.тАЭ
тАУ Martha Beck
I will rise. I will rise.
For, I have the WILL to rise.
тАШWillтАЩ to not rise above others,
but rather to rise above myself,
my physical presence,
mental dynasty,
and emotional webs.
I will rise.
I will rise.
In fact, I am rising this every
moment. While writing, claiming,
and committing myself to it.
Some make plans,
take oaths,
draft resolutions,
and then, forget with time.
And they are okay with
forgetting it. But I am not.
Once I think something, plan
on it, and dedicate to it, then, it
must come into force, into action,
into enactment,
or else my mind would run recklessly
preventing me from any other act of religion,
faceтАЩs muscle will twitch, giving a bold
reminder of who I might become
if I carry on this path: a reneger.
And Henceforth I know,
I am rising. For neither my muscular
nor mental physique let me be at peace
when there is work dangling on the door.
I am grateful to be who I am born as.
I am rising. For, I donтАЩt know
any other way to exist.