It will come.
It will come.
The storm, the cyclone,
the problem, and the pain
Even Lord Rama could not
cease it from coming. And
Buddha’s first noble truth
is suffering.
But one thing can be changed.
More like controlled. It is the
intensity with which it affects
We will be chained forever in
the cycle of suffering until we
free ourselves from it. This in
ancient philosophy is termed
as Moh Maya, the illusion of
Happy Dimension.
Maybe today, You and I can
together break this cycle. Alone
we will return to our holes lost.
But together we are powerful
and stern.
Let’s start by learning
to not dwell on suffering,
to forgive ourselves,
to let go of the pain,
to heal ourselves after every fall,
and drop the baggage of yesterday.
So, we live young and free
Stay with
Prerna 🙂