Enlightened Buddha

Enlightened Buddha

nobody escapes fate
not even a prince.

an astrologer predicted:
“he is to be a saint”

but the king
wanted otherwise.

so, he grew
the walls larger,
multi folded the luxuries,
and brought him up
away from the miseries
of human life.

until one day
at age of 29,
his curiosity
took him
the palace.

and he witnessed
a frail man,
a coughing man,
and a dead man.

deep in distress
he left the palace,
he left the crown,
he left the wife
and his child.

in search of truth
in search of peace-

after six summers
of deep contemplation
he found great wisdom.

which enlightened himself,
and he in turn
enlightened the whole world

with noble truths
of sufferings
and attachments.

he taught the men
eightfold path
to rise above
and live a wonderful

we should understand right.
we should cultivate
the right intentions.
we should speak kindly.
we should act compassionately.
we should live right
we should put our efforts
in the right direction.
we should practice meditation.
we should be mindful.

Prerna Gupta


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