
The colder the cold gets
The warmer the heart feelsThe harsher the winds get
The firmer the ground feelsThe heavier the rain gets
The stronger the love feels

When louder the chatter,
The nicer the silence feels

When tougher the challenges
Easier our times feel.

The sassier thy neighbours
The humbler the household feels.

In the ugliest of times
Beauty lays within reach!

The turbulence may increase
But calm is consequence.

If bitter the fruits of love
Sweet the pickles will be…

If scorned, the pile of berries,
Sublime the seasoning tree.

If troubled times of past
Satiated the future shall be

When Struggling thy Heart,
Plush the Delicacies indeed.

– J

Jahnvi Sharma 1
Jahnvi Sharma
Advocate Supreme Court of India

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