Continuous Micro Evolution Of The Self

Continuous Micro Evolution Of The Self
The unexpected I was afraid
about happened, and with the
lessons of the past, I was able
to come out of it quickly and
resume back on my path.

It is quite hilarious how when
you are on top of your efforts,
some new challenges surface.
But don’t curse, sigh, or wail
in vain. This is life. And you got
to be tough if you want to survive.

From a social perspective, we may
claim, we have developed a lot and
structured society, installed laws and
order in the state but still
the basic struggle for the existence
of life continues and that is who is
more fit to survive.

So, you have to develop grit,
perseverance, and focus on
continuous evolution. And it is
not a one-day job, you have to
do it every day.

You have to have intelligence,
wisdom, and competence to
survive and grow.


Prerna Gupta


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