Commit To Change

Commit To Change

I wonder, how often
I seek escape from
my current arrangementsevery two against five days of
the week,

I see myself slipping through
the fingers and I let it happen,
I let myself down literally
and metamorphically,

But by the end of two days,
I regain my sense, sensibility,
and strength and fight back
to claim what is mine and
stand against the weakness.

Some days I win, for I am able
to make up for the lost time, but
some days I just lose it all.

And irrespective of this down and
fall, I stay true to myself that I will
find a way to save myself and
break this vicious cycle irrespective
thousands and millions of times
I have to try again.

Because I am committed to myself
and I am committed to change.


Prerna Gupta


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