“Obstacles will either break you or make you grow. You just need to choose.”
Even in the darkest of times, coolest of days, somehow the dreams that we dreamed dare to be born again. Despite challenges, insecurities, darkness, and opposite currents, it lights a stick of match and lightens the whole world.
It cuts the path among the stones, toils day and night, pauses to catch a breath, and starts over. But do not give up, the heart with a dream. It hears no song, no symphony, other than that melody of the dreams.
What day and night for it? It works breaking all boundaries, crossing all limitations, for that one dream. It endures everything with great fortitude.
The world wonders where resilience comes from. It is that one dream that gives strength to it continuously with invisible hands and prepares it for the journey ahead.
When the purpose is noble, your heart clean, and there is strength in your character then whoever meets your eyes, sees the burning passion in you and feels the tenacity with which you walk. Then, there is no stopping you.
You will rise, and you will grow, despite what others thought, think, or will think. You are rare. You are unique. You have it right in you that will take you to unimaginable heights.
You are the inspiration! You are the light! You are the dream!