Right now every second matters,
Right now every minute of my life
carries a weight, and a price, but
still, I can not help and return to
God and pray and meditate.
Right now every minute of my life
carries a weight, and a price, but
still, I can not help and return to
God and pray and meditate.
It was He who gave me strength
to come out of darkness and find
the light within the self. It was He
who held my hand and showed
me the way. And now that, I am
consistent in my work, duties,
and commitments- old and new,
I can not just let the engagements
of today outweigh the blessings
I have been receiving from God.
It is just too much to trade for!
And I am not willing to ever pay
this price. Being connected to
Him, I have the confidence in
myself that I will overcome
whatever rolls my way
with tenacity and