Call Center by Prerna Gupta

Call Center by Prerna Gupta

“The more people rationalize cheating, the more it becomes a culture of dishonesty. And that
can become a vicious, downward cycle. Because suddenly, if everyone else is cheating, you
feel a need to cheat, too.”

– Stephen Covey
The people who make calls and earn high incomes are paid money to make fake calls, the
conversations that have the ability to play with other’s feelings, bring their hopes up and fall after
some time.

It is crazy, to hold no virtues, no morality, and being sold to a price. Sometimes, they should stop
in front of a mirror and ask themselves, “Is this who they are now? Are they happy now?”

This glimmer of money shines brighter first but eventually the caged soul will wail and revolt for
freedom, for truth, and for the honest identity.

But it is futile to discuss all these in the hour when gold coins just started pouring into the hands.
It is the hour of disillusionment. Anybody who tries to stop or preach to you this hour will fall into
the category of enemy, the man who is living in your friend circle under a veil.

At times, we get so obsessed with earning money that we forget our family, friends, our hobby,
ourselves and chase after it like a hungry man after chicken.

What if we had a choice to start again? Will we choose to do better and right than before? Will
Iwe act kindly and compassionately? Will we do it any differently than before? Will we find a
balance between honest living and soleful work?

Lao Tzu once said, “When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep
your balance.” Maybe we will also find our lost selves. Maybe one day we will also find faith
enough to do right and honest things knowing God is for us.


Prerna Gupta


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