Why the truth is so bitter
And the lies are so sweet
Why I could never win a point, always had to retreat
Why the most desirable things I wanted to keep
Why were they expensive n beyond my arms reach
Why road to success was always under construction
Why my failures had no inhibitions n obstructions
Why life was a struggle and I always finished last
Why was I so penitent and couldn’t do anything fast
Why was l so pathetic nasty, terrible n atrocious
Why wasn’t I pleasant , propitious and fabulous
Why I created a ruckus n confused people to the hilt
Why I always had some qualms and pangs of guilt
Why my worthless life was nothing but a total mess
Why all along had I been in so much of stress
Oh! I realised one day why I acted like a buffoon
And why was I such a nerd n an absolute lunatic loon
I reckoned positivethinking was missing in my brains
I reckoned I had Negative ions running in my veins
I fathomed why I had been an absolute imbecile
Now I knew the reason for my sordid uncanny ordeal
Power of Positive thinking one should never loose
Coz it is akin to your killing a fat golden goose
The Positive thinkers are never the relenting kind
They achieve success with positive bent of mind
Be it Covid 19 or be it lots of financial constraints
You will never find them abhorrent n inmental pains
Had I been positive I wouldn’t have searched for an Excuse
I Wouldn’t have turned appalling , moron and a
सुनील की कलम से