Goal Setting & Its Attainment

Goal Setting Its Attainment

Even before the new year comes, we are all prepared with our new year’s resolutions list. 99% of the people draw plans and set goals for a fresh start. But how many of us are successful? As the recent surveys conducted, only 5% of the people out of 99% are able to keep up with their goals and become successful. The rests lag behind.

So, what is it?

Disciple, inner strength, inspiration, or genius brain that 5% have and others don’t.

So, today I am going to guide you through and de-mystify the various steps that will not only help you chart out your GOALs but also provide you with the necessary guidelines to keep up with it even in freezing January’s morning.

First, of all, take a fresh sheet of paper and a pen. Play your favorite song in the background.

On the top of the paper, write your name and start date.

Then, write your three GOALs in terms of quantity and quality in the sequence of the priority.

For example, you want to reduce weight and become more flexible. Then, instead of writing, I want to lose weight. I have reduced 10 kgs of weight and now I am 56 kgs. Notice, I have used Past tense instead of Future Tense. So, whatever you think, speak, or write is the signal you are sending into the Universe and you manifest that into your life. So, if somebody is writing I will reduce 10 kgs in the coming months., it means it is telling the Universe in the future tense which will never manifest.

The key to manifestation is to talk in either present or past tense about what you are wishing for.

Then, set a GOAL completion date followed by FOUR Steps to reaching your GOAL.

Then, write about the two habits that will help you reach the GOAL like six hours of sleep, nutritious food, meditation, 40 minutes of brisk walking, or positive thinking.

It is important here to stick to the Four steps of reaching the Goal and Two habits that help you in it. Commit to these two things and there is a 100% guarantee that nobody in the world can stop you from reaching the goal and manifesting the kind of life you want. You will become the manifestation magnet the minute you commit yourself to the task.

Last Step and the most important write that you know you have reached your GOAL because…

This reason will keep you going irrespective of bad weather, and opposite currents and you will turn out a complete gem.

Make sure to take 2-4 days of break before beginning on another GOAL after completion of the first Goal. For, excess of anything is bad and toxic. Give your body time to relax and rejuvenate.


Prerna Gupta


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