Veer Pahariya Apologetic After Comedian Pranit More Alleges Assault Over Jokes


Delhi: Pranit, a more famous comedian, once joked about Veer Paharia following some personal jokes about the actor. While some groups of people accused him of the same and assaulting him following the jokes he delivered about Veer Paharia, later the comedian issued a public apology from him after the protest started. The comedian clarified he had no part in the alleged incident and disowned any form of violence.

The Assault Allegations

Satirical content writer Pranit More claims he was attacked by a group, which claims it was over his jokes about Veer Pahariya. The comedian says he was very disturbed over the incident, but that’s essential freedom of expression in comedy.

Response from Veer Pahariya

On February 4, 2025, Veer Pahariya commented on the issue through his Instagram story. He was shocked and regretted knowing that Pranit More had been assaulted. Veer claimed he had no hand in the whole incident and was greatly against acts of violence. He claimed that such activities are intolerable and not related to him at all.

The incident has been trending on social media as people discussed it and showed concern over the attack on Pranit More. The supporters of the comedian took this opportunity to demand accountability and highlight the safe-guarding of creative expression. Some people acknowledged the fact that Veer Pahariya apologized and explained his situation promptly, while others debated the implications of the event.

The assault case against comedian Pranit More brings important questions regarding the limits of comedy and the reactions it can trigger. Veer Pahariya’s apology in public places emphasizes non-violence and support for freedom of speech. As the case unfolds, it reminds people of the importance of dialogue and understanding in resolving conflicts around creative content.

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