Soniya Bansal, best known for reality show BB 17, expressed her aspirations of becoming a leading lady in Bollywood, particularly under the direction of acclaimed filmmakers Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Rohit Shetty.”I’ve always admired the depth in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s films,” said Soniya. “His ability to bring out challenging characters on screen is truly inspiring. I aspire to portray roles similar to Alia Bhatt’s in Gangubai Kathiyawadi or Deepika Padukone’s in Bajirao Mastani. Even his Devdas and Padmavat were excellent. His Heeramandi is looking extra ordinary. I would love to be part of such films ”
Soniya, who has garnered experience through several films in the South Indian film industry, emphasized her desire to transition to mainstream Bollywood and work with directors likeSanajy Leela Bhansali and Rohit Shetty to explore different characters and narratives.”Working with Rohit Shetty is also a dream of mine and I would be open for Khatron Ka Khiladi too,” she added. “His films are known for their high-energy action and entertainment quotient. I believe working with him would allow me to showcase my versatility as an actress and explore different genres. Bollywood is going through a good phase. OTT as a medium too is in. It is a very good time for actors as content has evolved. ”
With a solid foundation in the South Indian film industry, Soniya is now determined to carve her niche in Bollywood and take on challenging roles that push her boundaries as an actress. Her ultimate goal is to be recognized as a leading lady in films by directors known for their distinctive storytelling and cinematic brilliance. Soniya is good looking and charming and that makes an impact all the time and she makes head turn wherever she goes.
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