Mumbai: After an initial great run in the theaters, Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s aviation-based war drama Sky Force faced a sharp decline in collections on its first Monday. The film, which tells a gripping retelling of India’s 1965 Indo-Pak war, raked in ₹6 crore on Day 4 to take its total domestic collection to ₹48 crore.
Weekend Recap
Sky Force started with a roaring ₹15 crore on Friday, followed by strong numbers over the weekend: ₹17 crore on Saturday and ₹10 crore on Sunday. Patriotic undertones along with high-octane action sequences brought people to the theaters, particularly in metro cities and tier-2 towns.
Monday Blues
However, like most Bollywood movies, Sky Force did experience a typical Monday dip. Trade analysts believe that the drop is due to the weekday lag but are positive about its overall performance, considering the widespread appeal and positive word of mouth.
International Performance
Sky Force is still doing well overseas, especially in Gulf countries, the US, and Canada, where Akshay Kumar has a significant fan following. The film’s global earnings now stand at ₹70 crore.
What’s Working for the Film?
1. Patriotic Appeal: The film’s focus on unsung heroes of the Indian Air Force during the 1965 war has resonated with audiences.
2. Akshay Kumar’s Star Power: Akshay’s intense portrayal of an Air Force officer has received widespread praise, drawing his core fan base to cinemas.
3. Veer Pahariya’s Debut: Veer, making his Bollywood debut, has been applauded for his promising performance.
4. Technical Excellence: The aerial action scenes and CGI have been highly praised for their realism.
Challenges Ahead
Despite a good opening, Sky Force has other releases like Tiger 3 which will release soon, which will compete with it. The film has to sustain its collections on weekdays to reach the ₹100 crore mark.
Day-Wise Breakdown
Day 1 (Friday): ₹15 crore
Day 2 (Saturday): ₹17 crore
Day 3 (Sunday): ₹10 crore
Day 4 (Monday): ₹6 crore
Domestic Total: ₹48 crore
Even though Sky Force has slowed down after its great weekend, it still has a fair chance to emerge as a box office hit. With the reliable fan base of Akshay Kumar and the patriotic appeal of the film, it could gain momentum during the coming weekend.
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