Earlier last month, we learnt that the talented actor Shilpa Shinde will feature in Atrangii TV & App’s new show ‘KADIYAAN’. Now, rumour mills are abuzz that the тАШBhabhi Ji Ghar Par HaiтАЩ fame actress has bagged another coveted project. Atrangii TV & App is set to launch a new non-fiction reality chat show and the actress has been roped in as a host. The news is yet to be confirmed by the channel. We have also learnt that the actor will commence the shoot next month.
After winning the most popular reality Bigg Boss, Shilpa rose to fame again with her stint on the dance reality show тАШJhalak Dikhla JaaтАЩ. While it is being said that the actress will be playing a pivotal role in this one kind of chat show, details of the same are being kept under wraps. A source was quoted saying, ‘ _Shilpa will start her shoot for the new reality show in December. The show will be based on real-life stories. She is a talented artiste and enjoys massive popularity amongst her fans. It will be a treat for the audience to see Shilpa as a host’.
Atrangii App and TV, helmed by Vibhu Agarwal were successfully rolled out in June 2022 and May respectively, earlier this year. The app has a catalogue of multi-genre originals and catch-up viewing of its GEC channel Atrangii TV. Within a short span of time, the OTT app has got the audiences hooked to its content.