Saregama has just released the music of the upcoming spy drama Code Name Abdul, starring Tanisha Mukherjee. The film, which promises to be a nail-biting edgy espionage thriller, has a beautiful original track called Main Saaya Tera, rendered by the inimitable Sonu Nigam. The song also has a female version sung by Geetanjali, which gets released on 8th Dec.
Alongside this, the evergreen retro track from тАУ Mera Naam Hain Shabnam, from the 1970 film Kati Patang also finds a place in the album. The R.D. Burman and Asha Bhosle classic has been used in its original form as a suitable background song to depict the frenetic spy action on screen, undertaken by the lead cast of the film. Talking about the interesting musicscape of the film, Tanisha Mukherjee said: тАЬI love the spy-espionage thriller as a genre, and I am really excited that I am a part of this film.
The music reflects the mood of the film. Mera Naam hain Shabnam is an evergreen track that is just right to highlight the action that is happening on screen. And the beautiful original track Main Saaya Tera, provides just the right kind of balance to the album.тАЭ Directed by Eshwar Gunturu, тАЬCode Name AbdulтАЭ releases on 10th December.