One of the forefront films at this years Oscars from India is The Elephant Whisperers, directed by Kartiki Gonsalves who makes her debut with this heartwarming documentary about an orphaned elephant in southern India who finds solace in an unlikely way when a couple adopts him as their own. The film is produced by Guneet Monga under her banner Sikhya Entertainment, has has previously had an Oscar winning documentary, Period. End Of Sentence.
The film is running as one of the nominees in this years Best Documentary Short category and now has grabbed the attention of Priyanka Chopra. Priyanka took to Twitter showering praises for the film after she recently saw the film. She wrote, тАЬA trunk filled with emotions. One of the most heartwarming documentaries I have seen recentlyтАж Loved ItтАЭ. Big shoutout to @EarthSpectrum @guneetm for bringing this amazing story to lifeтАЭ