In previous years when Payal Dev and Stebin Ben collaborated, we were gifted Baarish and Baarish Ban Jana the romantic numbers that easily made it to our monsoon playlist, this year the duo got back again for another romantic song – Sanam Aa Gaya, a heart touching melody featuring real life couple, and we just can’t get our ears off it. Starring Abhinav Shukla and Rubina Dilaik, and shot in the verdant hills of the north the song and its music touch our hearts.
The cast of the song dropped its teaser with a caption stating, “#SANAMAAGAYA ❤️
True love never gives up!! “ The teaser consists Abhinav and Rubina romancing each other, and features a glimpse of the picturesque location.
Fans expressed their excitement on social media heaping praises for Payal Dev to bring in real life jodi Abhinav and Rubina together on screen after a long time span in this romantic track.
Amid the hustle of her recently released tracks #IssaVibe with Badshah and #NaseebSe from Satya Prem Ki Katha, Payal, did splashed the flavours of monsoon with #SANAMAAGAYA yet again bringing the most loved pair of bollywood industry (Rubinav) on screen.
#SANAMAAGAYA is sung by Payal Dev and Stebin Ben, music by Payal Dev, lyrics by Kunaal Vermaa, directed by Charit Desai and is slated to release on 27th June.