Actor-producer Jackky Bhagnani is busy embarking on new trajectories right at the onset of 2025. His company Jjust Music is all set to raise the bar of excellence with the worldwide release of the brand-new song, ‘Faraari’ today. The vibrant desi pop song made its debut on Jjust’s official YouTube channel on 23rd January and has been voiced by Bhojpuri musical sensations Akshara Singh and Raja Hasan. Fans are thrilled with the way Akshara has done justice to the song with her refreshing, youthful voice. It is composed by Tanishk Bagchi, the talent behind sensational foot-tappers like ‘Dholida’.
The stunning video of this potential chartbuster features the well-known actor and former Miss Universe India Urvashi Rautela along with Sanam Johar of ‘Dance India Dance’ fame. The video is directed by Rahul Shetty, who has also beautifully designed the choreography.
“Jjust Music strives to create a unique space where diversity is the keynote and India’s multiple musical streams come together as one to unite communities. Our latest offering, ‘Faraari,’ is a true representation of the desi pop genre, blending traditional Bhojpuri-Hindi rhythms with modern appeal, making it captivating for today’s youth. The song’s production and presentation also have a broad appeal, positioning it to become a trending hit,” says Jackky Bhagnani.
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