Somesh Mathur talks about Indian and global muisc scene

Somesh Mathur talks about Indian and global muisc scene

2022 had seen a resurgence of the music industry in India and Globally, after the disastrous 2.5 year period of the Covid Pandemic, during which everything came to a stand still, except for certain TV Shows and the ancillary industry around them.

The return of LIVE Concerts in Festivals and Weddings (not as much in Corporates Gigs yet) is truly heartening for all performing artists, who have been home bound because of the pandemic. It’s also a silver lining for Event Companies, and the Service & Entertainment Industry, in general, which is fast gaining ground during this busy wedding season. As always, Film and Punjabi Music performances rule the roost in wedding shows in India.

Although new Film Music, which is India’s Pop Music, has yet to make any formidable impressions upon the industry and the audience, it is a “blessing in disguise” for independant artists (Non Bollywood Playback) and independant music to have the opportunity of creating a niche, a bigger market share for themselves-itself, specially as music distribution is not dependant on the big Record Labels any more, since the advent of online streaming platforms.
The BIGGIES (Record Labels) still make the maximum money through streaming Royalties and Licensing because of owning the large celebrated repertoire for decades.

At the risk of sounding like a “Soothsayer”, the “New Film Music Party” in India seems to be over; Done and Dusted; and the onus of this goes to the OTT Platforms, who exposed the audience to content which is not “Stereotype” and “Predictable”, thus changing the pallet of the viewing audience, in perpetuity. It’s also made the audience more impatient, restless, and left them craving for original & radical content.

This is hugely heartening for Independent FilmMakers, Music Composers, Singers, Music Producers, Etc.
Of Course the universal mantra of “CONTENT IS KING” applies to all Art Forms, globally.

2023 is expected to be a gradual (nothing radical or spectacular) upscaling of the music business and all its components, on a global level. Artists collaborations will be on the rise, as would the market share of Female Artists, thus bringing about a fair share of gender equality in music and show business.

The grey areas of the music industry shall yet prevail, by way of Non-Transparency in the distribution of Royalties by the respective agencies, online platforms, and media companies.

My thoughts to one and all are, to keep the focus on, diligently, and pursue one’s passion with total honesty and great alacrity. Study more about the business of music (legalities, etc), and the Tech Modus Operandis of all Distribution and Social Media platforms. These are essential for one’s long term sustenance and overall growth.

The reason why The Beatles, and the music of 60s – 70s – 80s are yet the highest selling ever, artists and music, respectively.

“Lagey Raho” (Keep Going) as the “Wise Man” would say, and think OUT OF THE BOX, along with being Tech Savvy, and let there not be any compromise on routine “Sadhana-Practice-Riyaaz”.


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