The renowned mother-son duo of Kavita Seth and Kanishk Seth are back with the release of their latest single, a beautiful fusion of soulful poetry and smooth jazz music, titled ‘Maine Muddat Se’, which translates to “For A Long Time.” This enchanting song is a poignant and introspective “nazm” composed and performed by Kavita Seth, produced by Kanishk Seth, and penned by the legendary poet Waseem Barelvi.
The poem, which has been reimagined as a song by the artists, explores the internal journey of a person who, after days of longing and striving, finally attempts to drift into sleep and dream of achieving the surreal, elusive desires of their heart. With its smooth melodies and evocative words, ‘Maine Muddat Se’ gracefully encapsulates the delicate balance between hope, dreams, and the unspoken struggles that accompany them.
Talking about the song, Kavita Seth shares, “‘Maine Muddat Se’ is a very beautiful poem, written by Waseem Barelvi Ji. When I was reading his book, my eyes suddenly fell upon this poem and I was completely lost in my thoughts as I read it. The way he has expressed it, capturing what goes on in the minds of people, felt incredibly beautiful to me that I felt I must share it. Every single line is so dreamy. It resonates deeply with anyone who steps out of their hometown and struggles in a new place – the journeys they undertake, what they experience. There’s a certain grace and elegance to poetry and shayari that shines through in this poem. Waseem Sahab’s works always reflect this beauty. While I love all his ghazals and poems, this one is among my favourites.”
Sharing his thoughts on releasing the track, Kanishk Seth adds, “When I heard ‘Maine Muddat Se’ for the first time, the poem touched me very deeply. While my mom had made a beautiful composition of the poem, I thought producing the song in a very smooth jazz style would make it sound really good, and I am so happy with how the output has turned out to be. Fusing electronic music with Indian classical/semi-classical music has been my forte, but this is the first time I’ve experimented with jazz music and I really hope people enjoy this creation.”
The track is now available for listening across leading streaming platforms, and a music video is set for release on Kanishk’s official YouTube channel. With a gentle yet intricate jazz arrangement accompanied by dreamy lyrics, the song creates an ethereal listening experience, amplifying the sense of yearning and contemplation.
Kanishk Seth is an artist, producer, composer, and singer. His work is a balanced fusion of modern electronic music and Indian Classical compositions. Known for his visually-driven approach, Kanishk’s songs are always accompanied by refreshing and conceptually diverse music videos. Born into an illustrious musical family, Kanishk has composed, produced, and sung over 100 songs for a variety of mediums, including feature films, ads, music videos, albums, and singles.
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