Today, 31st January-2021, Sunday at 4 &
At Akshara Theatre, Near R.M.L. Hospital, Baba Kharag Singh Marg, New Delhi-01
A 100 minutes hindi comedy drama AAFAT MEIN JAAN
Written & directed by Dinesh Ahlawat
On Stage :1.Dada : Dr. Abhishek Dubey 2.Dadi : DR. Supriya Pahuja 3. PINKY : Neha Bhatia 4.Inspector : Anmol Sethi 5.Havaldaar Dinesh Ahlawat/Tanish Taneja 6.Jaibkatra : Yash/ Ashok Aggarwal 7.Constable : Gaurav Kumar 8. Chor : Naresh Bahadur 9.Senior Officer : Sanjay Dhoundhiyal 10. Billa: Puneet Khanna 11. Yuvak : Angad 12.Yuvti : Meetu
Back Stage:-
Set : Puneet Khanna,
Lights : YashMusic : Naresh BahadurI
Makeup : Anmol Sethi
Costumes : Sanjay Dhoundhiyal
Properties : Ashok Aggrawal
Publicity : Neha Bhatia
Seating arrangement : Babita Rajput, Sanjay, Naresh Bahadur, Puneet Khanna .
Afat Mein Jaan is a story of a Police Station where an Inspector, Havaldar, & a Constable all are always stuck in a number of problems. An old age couple leaves a child PINKY in Police Station for three hours as they are unable to enjoy adult film with their grand daughter PINKY. A pick-pocket tries to make complaint that he was caught by public during his job and they attacked him. Constable has arrested a young couple in a romantic mood from a public park.An officer (Special Branch) is also coming for inspection of this Police Station.What happened with PINKY, old age couple & young couple? What will be the climax of this drama?
You can get all the answers to your questions only after watching the play – Aafat Mein Jaan.
Entry by tickets of Rs.200/-, 300/- & RS. 500/- only available in advance on & at venue before the show.
Hindi Comedy Drama: Aafat Mein Jaan