Rohan Solomon walks the tightrope of yo-yo relationships in his new autumnal earworm

Rohan Solomon

Singer-songwriter Rohan Solomon’s call for change with his August 2021 single We Demand Change was honoured well by global radio audiences which led the song straight to the Top 5 & top 20 spot on international radio charts recently. Now the global chart-topping musician/producer Rohan Solomon has just dropped an upbeat autumnal earworm called Set Me Free.

Bringing in the beautiful contrast of autumn with the vibe of needed endings and new beginnings on the menu, Rohan Solomon’s new single Set Me Free is quite likely to stick on your playlist. The autumnal earworm comes bearing global chart-topper’s signature with beautiful harmonies, surrounded by a symphony orchestra with violin, viola, cello, double bass, celeste, harp, timpani, french horn, trombone, tube & more on a bed of organic instruments. It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that one’s begun to expect the delicacy of symphonic treatment along with the warm tone of acoustic guitar in the fedora totting musician’s songs.

Rohan Solomon Set Me Free
Set Me Free is both a story of unrequited love and rollercoaster emotions. This is a song about love, loss and acceptance. The instrumentation and vocals equitably bring forth the feelings of confusion, helplessness and of the resolve to quit the corroding vicious circle of uncertainty in a beautiful blend. But it was the comeback of Solomon’s favourite vocal harmonies that provided a welcome change for the artist. Set Me Free is the second single from Solomon this year.


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