Deepa Shahi, mother of Rajan Shahi, fulfills her father wishes

Deepa Shahi mother of Rajan Shahi fulfills her father wishes

Recently ace maker Rajan Shahi, mother Deepa Shahi went to Egypt and fulfilled Rajan Shahi’s maternal grandfather actor Jairaj’s unfulfilled dream. Speaking on this special trip Shahi says, “My mom Deepa Shahi’s father late actor Jairaj from the silent era was the recipient of Dada Saheb Phalke award from the President of India in 1981 and Filmfare lifetime achievement awards. He had this unfulfilled dream of visiting Egypt. He travelled a lot throughout America and Europe and was a great reader of Egyptian history. But due to many reasons his dream could not be fulfilled. My mother was extremely close to her father and also an avid reader of Egyptian history.

She wanted to fulfil her father’s dream. My mother will be stepping into her 79th birthday on 19th November but I ushered her birthday a little before and planned this surprise Egypt trip for her.” He also adds, “We had a great trip to Egypt, touring the entire country with her was indeed special and it was emotional too because it was her desire to travel the country on her father’s behalf. We both were travelling the country for the first time and experiencing it in real, was very enriching and memorable. I will always cherish this trip and I am happy that we could do this together.”

Rajan & Deepa Shahi have been producing the hit show Anupama for quite some time now. The show has connected with audience’s hearts and is talked about for its innovative heart touching story with emotional drama.


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