Celebrities share their morning rituals

Celebrities share their morning rituals

There might not be a fixed time for us to wake up given our different lifestyles, but everyone has a set routine they follow every time they get out of bed. While some pray, drink water, there are others who hug their loved ones or browse their phones. Celebrities share what is that first thing they do as soon as they open their eyes in the morning:

Somy Ali
I wake up each morning including weekends at 7:30am and the first thing I do is reach for my cell phone to go through the news. I have four sources to obtain my news: BBC World News ,The New York Times, Times of India, and Dawn. With my profession, I have to be knowledgeable of what’s going on universally when it comes to human rights. My biggest concern currently is the hike in domestic violence and sex trafficking cases, the overturning of Roe V Wade and what Russia is doing to the Ukrainian citizens. As an activist, it’s pivotal that I am aware at all times of what’s going on in our world so I can do my part of speaking up about it and otherwise.

Ayush Anand
As soon as I am out of my bed, I seek the universe’s blessing, go to my balcony and say my prayer five times. I also express my gratitude towards whatever the universe has gifted me with and whatever it has in store for me in future.

Vijayendra Kumeria
I drink a bottle of water the first thing after getting up. That’s good for the internal organs. Then I enjoy my tea while reading the headlines and some news. This is my usual routine.

Sudha Chandran
If I am shooting then the first thing I do after I wake up is check my phone to find out if my call time changed or not as that’s very important. At times it does change and then you have to inform your staff, who would be with you throughout the day. And, if I’m not shooting I wake up to see the sunrise. For me it’s a new day, a new beginning and I pray to the universe. I thank God for giving me yet another wonderful day on this earth and I pray that I do something good during that day, and I should not intentionally hurt anybody.

Abhishek Kumaarr
I feel morning is the best time when your mind is calm and that is the time when you can actually focus on your work the most. The moment I wake up I actually go to my work table, have a sip of black coffee and jot down the whole day’s plan. After doing this, I actually go and meditate for 10 minutes and then I have a fixed routine—workout or swimming or any physical activity for 30-35 minutes. All these things keep me charged throughout the day.

Margo Cooper
I love my morning rituals, it’s my “me time every day”. I start my day with meditation and breakfast. And I never use my phone at the start of the day. I do check it after I am done with my usual morning ritual.

Chitra Vakil Sharma
I get up and the first thing I do is check up on my dog Dorgy and then my daughter.

Saurish Sharma
The first thing that I do as soon as I wake up early in the morning is meditation. I feel meditation is the key to leading a healthy and balanced life. No matter how much stress you have for the entire day ahead, meditation will always help you in keeping your nervous system calm and eventually in taking the right decisions. There are many benefits of meditating early in the morning. Meditation releases endorphins which are not only a good source of energy but a good source of ‘feel good’ energy, which puts us in a good mood, helps us to stay happy and proactive in our relationships and work life. Meditation relaxes us and allows the flow of natural positive energy and prepares us for the day. Also, daily meditation makes us spiritual. Other than that, there are a few other things that I usually do after I am done with my meditation.

Simaran Kaur
When I wake up in the morning, I go to the puja place in my home to wish good morning to God, and then I hug my parents and play with my dog.


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