The Karni Sena, known for its controversial protests, created a disturbance at the trailer launch of director Atul Garg’s upcoming film, Chola. The incident took place at a high-profile event on Impas’s sea yacht during the IFFI festival.
Yuva Sena president Surjeet Singh Rathore and Rajesh Jain, members of the Karni Sena, objected to scenes depicting the burning of saffron clothes, Tulsi, and Rudraksha garlands in the trailer. They argued that such imagery was an insult to Sanatan Dharma and threatened to prevent the screening of both the trailer and the film.
Director Atul Garg attempted to explain that the full context of the film would be revealed in due course. Actor Hemant Pandey also voiced his disapproval of the protest, emphasizing the importance of expressing dissent in a constructive manner.
Chola is a story about a young professor who seeks solace in a spiritual ashram. Despite adopting the attire and practices of a sadhu, he finds no inner peace.
The film explores the idea that true spiritual enlightenment can be achieved without renouncing worldly life or conforming to religious orthodoxy. The climax involves the professor burning his saffron robes and returning to his academic pursuits, symbolizing his rejection of superficial spirituality.
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