World Animal Welfare Day

World animal welfare day

This is an  international  day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated  every year on 4 October.

This day is a tribute to all the amazing animals that we share this planet with . This day is celebrated to spread awareness about  the animal issues that exists in the world .

Afterall we are just a part of Earth’s immense diversity and it’s our duty and responsibility to take care of our neighbours that we live with .  We need  to safeguard this beautiful planet for our future generations also .

World Animal Day, was originated by cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann. The day is kept to align with the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi , the patron saint of animals.

Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi  is the common name of Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone . He is the founder of Secular  Franciscan order .  He led a life of travel and in his second enlisting in the army he realised he wanted to work for poor people .  Coming from a rich family this changed his life completely . His love for animals is infamous and that also made him a patron saint of animals .

For everyone who cares about animals, October 4th is a time to celebrate and pay tribute. To acknowledge their role in our life.   To be thankful of thier lovely  presence and positive  influence in our lives .

The mission of World Animal Day is to…

  • Celebrate animal life in all its forms.
  • Celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom.
  • Acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives.
  • Acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our lives.

How can we celebrate this day ?

Is it something that only  some big organizations can celebrate or something that few activists can ??

Not really we all can celebrate it in our small ways .

Afterall every impact matters and has the ability to create difference .

Donate : If you want to help but have no time  you can donate   to the organisations  that work for animals .

You don’t have to have huge amount of money for it

Just imagine even a small amount  that matters nothing to you will add up to a huge amount if done by thousands of people .

Educate yourself : awareness is the best way . Afterall one needs to be aware of problems first  then only we can work on resolving them .

Make yourself aware about animal issues and if possible what as an individual can we do about it .

Spread awareness in your community and friends . Maybe do something by combined efforts .

Volunteer :  you can volunteer at your local shelter or sanctuary  . Volunteering  will help you interact with animals more and  maybe make good connections for the future .

Avoid products that hurt animals : nowadays there are ample resources to know where your food or products are coming from. A quick google search will provide you with enough information  for you to take an ethical decision.

Lets celebrate this  day with warmth and care .

Make yourself aware and others too . Enjoy this day  of togetherness and love .

Malvika Tiwari Malvika Tiwari,

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