#TeachersDaySpecial: Three Life Lessons that ‘3 Idiots’ taught us

3 Idiots

It is one such film that we can’t get tired of even if we watch it the 100th time! That’s the magic of 3 Idiots’s spectacular characters, its emotional connect, strong social message and foot-tapping music.

No matter how old you get, the film has taught us life lessons that will stay with us forever. This Teacher’s Day relives the charm: let pure entertainment teach you some nice lessons in a humorous way.

Let us look at the few lessons that the film taught us:

Kehna Kya Chahte Ho
Legendary actor Achyut Potdar who plays the role of a professor might have played a small role in the movie, but it was significant nevertheless. His interaction with Rancho over a simple definition of “machine” stresses how we usually tend to complicate certain things and concepts in life. There’s always an easy way out, All Izz Well!

Life is not a race
The film throws light on the passion while pointing out that “Life isn’t a race”. We all should go at our own pace and not thrive to compete with others. Our biggest competition is with the self and not with the people around us. No matter how occupied we are, we should always try to borrow time to fulfil our passion and live for our dreams.

Designation doesn’t matter, happiness does
The film’s climax is probably one of the best climax scenes in any Bollywood movie. The scene has the power to make you laugh while also simultaneously leaving you teary-eyed. More significantly, the scene inspires us to believe one thing – it doesn’t matter where you work, whether you are a scientist, a businessman or a school teacher, you should be happy with what you are doing. Your success is not necessarily another person’s failure.


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