Remote work for Women Needs special Attention

Remote work for Women Needs special Attention

Any society that fails to harness the energy and creativity of its women is at a huge disadvantage in the modern world.

-Tian Wei

Remote Work for women is a recently developing workplace for women to give a boost to their financial independence without really waging a war against in-laws or upsurging domestic life.

It has many benefits like women can work while taking care of family, children and themselves sitting from the safe walls of the home and earn quite a significant amount to support themselves and their dreams.

But it is still an emerging service in India, there are no rights yet launched to safeguard their interest against the employees. Women who just got a remote job don’t want to lose it and in fear of keeping it she lets herself be exploited by the employer.

Employer asks her to do more than signed in the contract. And if she revolts or refuses, she is free to leave the job. There are even times when the employer withholds her earned money complaining that her work is not upto the mark or their demands are not met.

Either way, the employee is stuck. It has neither family nor state to help her in this battle. She feels hopeless and stuck with the job.

This is unacceptable and unfair. From the point of view of health, her mental state is deteriorating from continual stretches and fights. Her peace of mind is being compromised. Her dreams are at stake.

It is high time now, we women workers in solidarity stand before state and ask to safeground our rights. Remote work has opened opportunities for us like never before. And if dealt in fair, it can be a life changing, economy altering decision.

Government should take into consideration that by making a policy in their regard it can promote their growth, independence and equality.

As benevolent as the Government is to lavish women with various schemes, we women want to earn rightfully and manage our household independently.



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Prerna ЁЯЩВ

Prerna Gupta


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