Prime Minister of India

statue of unity


Right from the days of independence, the Prime Minister is treated with much high regard and respect. This is because after the President he is the person who holds maximum powers in the country. Though on all international treaties takes place in name of President but it is Prime Minister with those face rest of the world know our country. The Prime Minister represents our country in the world. He is the leader of the majority party and is the head of the cabinet.

The death or resignation of the Prime Minister automatically dissolves the Union Government and the Council of Ministers.

How is the Prime Minister of India elected?

The Prime Minister of India is not elected, infact, he is appointed by the President of India. The President chooses him under Article 75. He is the one who is the leader of the national party with majority of seats in the Lok Sabha or someone who is able to win support of Lok Sabha by gaining the support of other political parties.

Eligibility to be the Prime Minister of India:

  • He/ She must be a citizen of India.
  • He/ She must be a member of either Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha.
  • He/ She should be more than 30 years old if he/she is a member of the Rajya Sabha. And if a member of the Lok Sabha, then, he/she should be 25 years old.

Relationship between the Prime Minister and the President of India:


The President and Prime Minister of India share a very close relation with others in order for the Legislature and Executive to function efficiently. Following are three articles that specifically deal with their relation with each other.

  • Article 74 : It specifically draws the interconnected line that the Prime Minister and President share with each other. Like how both have a council of ministers in common. The Council of India with the Prime Minister as head advises the President on various important matters regarding the development of India.
  • Article 75 : This article mentions three things:
  1. Firstly, The President appoints the Prime Minister and other ministers are appointed by the President based on the advice of the Prime Minister.
  2. Ministers only remain ministers until they act as per the President’s assigned task.
  3. Council of Ministers are collectively responsible and answerable for their actions and suggestions to the Lok Sabha.


  • Article 78: The Prime Minister acts as a link between the President and the Council of ministers. He/ She conveys the decisions made by the council of members to the President of India. And the President also refers to the council of ministers for consideration of the various issues.


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Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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