InFacts about India-28 September 2022

bhagat singh


Bhagat Singh

(Born : 28 SeP 1907, Banga, Pakistan

Martyed : 23 March 1931, Lahore Central Jail, Lahore, Pakistan due to

Execution by hanging till death) He was an Indian socialist revolutionary whose two acts of dramatic violence against the British in India and execution at age 23 made him a folk hero of the Indian independence movement.


Shakuni also known as Saubala He is the main antagonist in the epic Mahabharata. He was the brother of Gandhari and hence Duryodhana’s maternal uncle. His Children

Uluka, Vrikaasur, Patatri and Vriprachitti.

In the Mahabharata, Shakuni’s hatred towards Hastinapura developed when Bhishma approached King Subala with a marriage proposal for Shakuni’s sister Gandhari’s, to the blind Kaurava prince Dhritarashtra. Shakuni hated the idea of Gandhari’s marriage with the blind prince of Hastinapura. Gandhari covered her eyes on her will to share her blindness. Shakuni’s anger grew when Dhritarashtra was first denied to inherit the throne of Hastinapura. After the event, Shakuni started to interfere in the matters of Hastinapura.

In a non-Mahabharata version, it is said that, being a Mangalik, Gandhari was married to a tree (some say a goat) prior to her marriage to Dhritarashtra, in order to nullify the defect. On hearing of this, a disgusted Dhritarashtra ordered the extermination of Gandhara’s royal line. Shakuni, his father, Subala and Subala’s other hundred sons were captured and put in a prison. One grain was served to every person. Knowing that Shakuni was the smartest, Subala and his 99 sons sacrificed their lives and provided their share of grain to Shakuni. Later, they all died and Shakuni vowed to destroy Hastinapura.

LEARN Sanskrit
अहम् पठामि – I read

यूयम् पठथ – you all read

Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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