InFacts about India-22 October 2021

Why Do We the Hindus Light a Diya in front of God


Imphal is the capital of Manipur, a state in northeastern India.
The name Imphal is perhaps derived from compounding two words namely, “Yum” and “Phal” where yum means house and phal means plenty or beautiful.


Importance of Jyothi/Light a Diya (Lamp) in front of God…??

Light symbolizes knowledge, darkness and ignorance. Lord is the “Knowledge principle” (Chaitanya), who is the source, enlivener and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshipped as the Lord himself. Hence we light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth. The presence of light means the non-existence of darkness and evil forces.

Adding to this, the flame of a lamp always burns upwards. Similarly we should acquire such knowledge as to take us towards higher ideals.

LEARN Sanskrit-

0 शून्यम्. Śūnyaṁ
¼. पादः. Pādaḥ
1/3. सार्द्धत्रयम्. Sārddhatrayaṁ
½ सार्धम्. Sārdhaṁ
1 एकम्. Ekaṁ
2 द्वे Dve
3 त्रीण Trīṇi
4 चत्वारि Chatvāti
5. पञ्च. Pancha
6. षट Ṣaṭa
7. सप्त. Sapta
8. अष्ट. Aṣṭa
9. नव. Nava
10 दस. Dasa

Quickly : शीघ्रम्


Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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