InFacts about India-21 August 2022



Kerala is a state on the southwestern Malabar Coast of India. It was formed on 1 November 1956. The Chera Dynasty was the first prominent kingdom based in Kerala. there were two major princely states in Kerala- Travancore State and the Kingdom of Cochin. They united to form the state of Thiru-Kochi in 1949.

Kerala is also called Parasurama Kshetram
The name Kerala has an uncertain etymology. One popular theory derives “Kerala” from “Kera” (coconut tree in Malayalam) and “alam” is land, thus ” land of coconuts”, locals.The word Kerala is first recorded as Keralaputra in a 3rd-century BCE rock inscription left by the maurya emperor ashoka (274–237 BCE).

The production of pepper and natural rubber contributes significantly to the total national output. In the agricultural sector, coconut, tea, coffee, cashew and spices are important.


According Puranas

Onion and garlic came from the dead body of a murdered cow and therefore they are considered like eating meat. They break the non-vegetarian principle from the shastric point of view. Strict vegetarians don’t eat onion nor garlic. Since meat is tamasic, onions and garlic are also tamasic and rajasic food. They may have some medicinal value like even wine is used in medicines sometimes. Thus they are taboo for followers of Vedic culture.

“Once, in Satya Yuga the rishis were performing gomedha and asvamedha sacrifices for the welfare of the whole universe. A cow or a horse would be cut into pieces and placed in the fire. Afterwards the rishis would utter mantras and the same animal would come alive in a beautiful young body.

One time the rishi who was about to perform a gomedha sacrifice, his wife was pregnant. She had a very strong desire to eat and she had heard that if, during pregnancy one has a desire to eat and does not fullfill this, then the baby that will be born will always have saliva coming from its mouth.

Very strange, she desired strongly to eat meat, thus she decided to keep one piece of meat of the cow’s body that was offered in sacrifice. She hid it and was making a plan to eat it very soon. At that time the rishi was finishing the sacrifice and uttered all the mantras for the new young cow to come to life.

However when he saw the new cow, he noticed that there was a little part missing from her left side. He went into meditation and realized that his wife had taken away a piece of meat during the sacrifice. Now his wife also understood what happened and quickly threw the meat far away.

Due to the effect of the mantras uttered by the rishi there was now life in this piece of meat. Then the blood of this meat became red lentils, the bones became garlic and the meat became onions. Thus these foods are never taken by any Vaishnava situated in the mode of goodness as Vaishnavas should be because it is not considered by us as offerable due to its association as a non-vegetarian food.

“It is not vegetarian to eat onions and garlic. They have discovered 21 different types of slow poison in both.

LEARN Sanskrit
साध्वोः शीघ्रं मैत्री भवति।
_saadhvoh sheeghran maitree bhavati_
(Good people become friends quickly).

Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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