InFacts about India-18 October 2022

Gol Gumbaz


Gol Gumbaz done in India. It has a diameter of 124 feet and is the second-largest dome in the world, next only to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

It is the tomb of king Mohammed Adil Shah, Adil Shahi Dynasty. Construction of the tomb, located in Bijapur , Karnataka, India, was started in 1626 and was completed in 1656. The name is based on “Gol Gumbadh” derived from “Gola Gummata” meaning “circular dome”. It follows the style of culture and [Indo-Islamic architecture] . Even a slight whisper by someone standing in its gallery can be heard everywhere else in the gallery, and if somebody claps, the sound of it echoes several times.


Why you must fast during Navratri.

ScientificallyEvery Indian festival is not just a reason to enjoy and make merry. There are many scientific reasons ascertaining the logic behind celebrating festivals on certain times of the year

Navratri is observed, once in the beginning of summer and next in the beginning of winters. If you observe the pattern, it is celebrated at two junctures of seasonal change. According to Ayurveda, eating foods like garlic, onion, meat, grains and eggs can make you attract the negative energies from the surroundings. Another reason is, during this time our body’s immunity is in it’s all time low. Eating such high-energy foods can make you prone to diseases.

There are two main types of Navratri. One is conducted in the month of Chaitra in April and is known as Vasantha Navratri and it is mainly celebrated in North India. And in South India, Sharan Navratri is celebrated in the month of Ashwija in September – October

There are six distortions, or vices of the mind:

Kama (desire),

Krodha (anger),

Lobha (greed),

Moha (infatuation)

Mada (arrogance), and

Matsarya (jealousy).

These distortions can go out of control in any human being, and become an obstacle on the spiritual path. They can be dissolved during these nine days of Navratri.

LEARN Sanskrit
संस्कृत I Love You* = अहम् तुभ्यम् स्तुत्यनामि (Aham tubhyam praNyaami)

काकः Crow Kākaḥ

राजहंस : Goose: Rājahansī

Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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