InFacts about India-18 March 2022

holika dahan


The word ‘Holi’ derives from the word ‘hola’, which is a thank you to the Almighty for the harvest. This is why Holi is celebrated as winter ends and the Spring Harvest begins.


Holika (Sanskrit: होलिका), sometimes also known as Simhika, was a demoness in scriptures, who was burnt to death. She was the sister of King Hiranyakashipu and the aunt of Prahlad. The story of Holika Dahan (Holika’s death) signifies the triumph of good over evil.

LEARN Sanskrit

*ताल: गृहस्य संरक्षणार्थम् |*

Lock is to protect the house.

*शुल्क* : Fee


Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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