InFacts about India-16 September 2022

eight deities ruling over the eight quarters of the universe


Akhand Bharat अखण्ड भारत term literally meaning Undivided India. It posits that modern-day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet and Burma are one nation.


There are the eight duities ruling over the eight quarters of the universe.

Indra, Yama, Varurya and Kubera are the deities that rule over the east, south, west and north respectively.

The intermediate directions are ruled by Agni (south-east), Niqti (south¬west), Vayu (north-west) and Isana (north-east).

Niqti is said to be the chief of the demons

LEARN Sanskrit
कर्म : Action

Ajavath charvanam Kuryaath

_Chew your Food like a Goat..Never Swallow food in a hurry.._

_Saliva aids first in digestion._

Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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